Massachusetts electricity rates

Massachusetts Natural Gas Price Volatility

Massachusetts is known for its celebrated history, rich culture, beautiful scenery, and the indomitable spirit of its residents.  However, like most of New England, Massachusetts experiences significant price volatility when it comes to natural gas.  There are a number of factors contributing to this scenario including extreme weather, the lack of pipeline capacity coming into […]

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Regional Electric Usage Patterns and Shopping

Regional Electric Usage Patterns and Shopping.  Electricity end uses can vary significantly between homes and businesses across the country. Climate control and water heating, however, are consistently the largest end uses among non-industrial electricity customers. To understand regional variations in electricity consumption, it is important to consider both climate and fuel source. Seasonal Electricity Usage […]

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Lowest Massachusetts electricity rates

Massachusetts Renewable Energy Requirements

Wind, solar, and other renewable energy development in the United States is moving forward at a remarkable rate.  Costs for technologies such as photovoltaic solar panels are making alternative power more economical for residential consumers.  Utility-scale non-fossil fuel generation, however, owes a significant part of its growth to the creation of the Renewable Portfolio Standard. […]

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Massachusetts Electric Switching Rates

The Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act of 1997 was the enabling legislation authorizing retail electric competition for Massachusetts residential, commercial, and industrial customers.  Massachusetts retail electric customers have been able to choose whether they purchase electric generation from a competitive supplier or their regulated distribution utility since March 1998.  Residential, commercial, and industrial consumers who do not […]

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lowest massachusetts electricity rates

Energizing Massachusetts Electric Choice

Massachusetts retail electric customers have enjoyed the power to choose their generation provider since 1998.  Customers have the benefit of being able to select from a growing number of competitive electricity suppliers or remain on basic service with their distribution utility.  The majority of commercial and industrial retail electric customers have participated in the electric […]

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