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Top Reasons to Switch Electricity Companies

It should come as no surprise that a website dedicated to consumer energy matters recommends that you shop for electricity rates. We have posted on topics ranging from renewable energy to home energy conservation tips. There have also been a number of posts regarding the various types of residential electricity plans. From our experience, most […]

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Massachusetts Electric Switching Rates

The Massachusetts Electric Industry Restructuring Act of 1997 was the enabling legislation authorizing retail electric competition for Massachusetts residential, commercial, and industrial customers.  Massachusetts retail electric customers have been able to choose whether they purchase electric generation from a competitive supplier or their regulated distribution utility since March 1998.  Residential, commercial, and industrial consumers who do not […]

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Energizing Massachusetts Electric Choice

Massachusetts retail electric customers have enjoyed the power to choose their generation provider since 1998.  Customers have the benefit of being able to select from a growing number of competitive electricity suppliers or remain on basic service with their distribution utility.  The majority of commercial and industrial retail electric customers have participated in the electric […]

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