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Gainesville Electricity & Energy Guide

Gainesville TX
  1. Gainesville Electricity Rates
  2. Gainesville Electricity Price Trends
  3. Find the best Energy Plan in Gainesville
  4. How to setup Gainesville Texas Utilities
  5. How to switch Gainesville Electricity Providers
  6. Gainesville Retail Electric Providers
  7. Gainesville No-Deposit Electricity Plans
  8. Gainesville Business Electricity Plans
  9. Gainesville Texas Utility Contacts
  10. Gainesville Zip Codes
  11. Gainesville Electricity FAQ

Whether you’re moving to Gainesville Texas or shopping for lower rates, this guide will help you find the best electricity plan plus details for your other utilities.

Gianesville Electricity Rates

Gainesville is a deregulated electricity market which means you have the power to choose your electricity provider.

ElectricityMatch is a free service that provides comparison to help Gainesville, TX residents save money by choosing the best electricity plans for their home.

Our rates are direct from the Electricity Providers so you see the same rates on their websites.

Electricity Providers submit their rates and we display them in a comparison rate table that you can sort and filter to compare energy plans in a clear and transparent comparison.

Many Energy companies use deceptive marketing like hidden fees to trick consumers into bad plans that look good. We filter those plans out of our platform so you never see them here. ElectricityMatch shows real prices side by side so you know what you’re getting.


These Oncor Energy rates are live and updated daily. Pricing shown is for 2000kWh (Medium-Large Homes).


Gainesville, TX Electricity Providers are deregulated, which means you have the Power to Choose your provider! Energy consumers can shop for lowest rates, long term locked rates, variable rate plans, and much more.

Most of the other states don’t get the power to choose, they are stuck with a monopoly style energy provider that charges generally higher rates.

Electricity Deregulation broke up the monopolies and consumers get the benefits of having some of the lowest rates in the nation. Gainesville, Texas Electricity Providers compete for your business, they generally get customers by having the best rates, but the lowest advertised rate may not always be the best rate because of hidden fees and gimmicks built into the plan. ElectricityMatch takes the time to remove those energy plans, showing only real rates.


Courtesy of EIA.GOV
Data compiled from EIA.GOV

The average cost per kWh for Texas Electricity was 11.71 cents in 2020, the average bill was $132.59 for the same period. You can find electricity rates for 12+ months fixed-rate as low as $0.08 on electricitymatch.com.


Find the best energy plan in Gainesville

Most consumers don’t know their electricity consumption without opening their bill. Before you can choose your best electricity plan you will need to know your monthly usage. Many electricity plans have different rates for different usage tiers and all plans in our electricity comparison engine show rates for 500kWh, 1000kWh and 2000kWh.

What do the different usage tiers mean?

  • 500kWh – Small Apartment, maybe mid-sized apartments with average electricity needs.
  • 1000kWh – Large Apartment or Medium Houses with average electricity needs.
  • 2000kWh – Large Houses, 2000kWh is generally the largest tier covering everything over 2000kWh.

Average Electricity Usage also requires an explanation. Older houses and apartments will use a little more electricity to heat and cool than newer structures. Some of us will run our air conditioner at 70 degrees through the whole summer while others are comfortable at 78 degrees.

If your usage is close to one of the tiers (500kWh, 1000kWh etc) each month it’s pretty easy to compare plans. If your usage fluctuates up and down it’s more difficult to compare. For example if your usage falls into the 500kWh tier during the winter and the 1000kWh tier during the summer you will pay different rates between the winter and summer.

Comparing rates can be more difficult than you think.

The easiest way to get your monthly average usage is to total your yearly usage then divide it by 12. From there see which tier you fall into (Small Apartment 500kWh, Medium Home 1000kWh, Large Home 2000kWh) and compare those rates.

Electricity Match makes it easy to compare the different tier rates. If you are in the Small Apartment usage tier you can check the box on the left side filter to sort our plans by Small Apartment.

If you have a large variance in your monthly usage you may need to count the number of months you will fall into different tiers then compare the most common tier prices.

All plans have some additional fees built into them. By reading the EFL for each plan you’ll be prepared. Our real rates available in our comparison engine have already included those fees in them, and we are showing you the real rate you will pay.

Don’t waste hours of time with a calculator or spreadsheet trying to find the best plan, use our comparison engine to see your real rates based on the size of your home.

Once you find the best plan for your home, click the Order Button for that plan, fill in the details and you’re done.

Usage History

If you can’t find your usage history or you’re moving into a new home we have the answer for you too! Using our simple Home Size filters will show you the Electricity Plan Rates for different sized homes.

Use ElectricityMatch.com to find the best energy plan for you and your home.


Moving to Gainesville: How to setup your utilities

Setting up Electricity at your new home

If you’re buying a home, ask the previous homeowner for copies of their electricity bills for the past 12 months or as many months as they have. Some providers display the last 12 months of usage on every bill. The past usage will help you choose the best electricity plan.

Once you’ve selected your energy plan, sign-up instantly – it’s that simple. Electricity Match lets you quickly switch and save at the end of a term for whatever plan you choose.


Gainesville Texas Fun Facts


Switching Electricity companies in Gainesville

If this is your first time to switch electric providers, no need to worry. It’s easier than the first signup! If you’re a pro at switching then you’ll appreciate how easy our comparison engine displays the best plans customized for you.

Do you already have a good plan? Maybe, maybe not, you can’t know how good your plan is until you compare Gainesville Electricity Plans. Competition between Energy Companies drives prices down and keeps them down so it’s a great idea to keep checking back here to see if you still have the right plan. Come back to Electricity Match a few weeks or a month before your current plan expires, signup for a better plan.

Compare plans before renewing your contract. That way, you can make sure you’re getting the best deal among competing electricity companies.

Switching energy plans regularly can end up saving you hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year on your energy costs.

Switching is easy:

  • No calls to cancel your current provider
  • No service calls to your house
  • No Electricity interruptions
  • Switching only takes a few minutes

Don’t call your current provider to cancel service, for Gainesville Texas Electricity your new electricity provider handles the cancellation for you.

Power Outages are the worst, but you won’t have to deal with it when switching providers. The switch is seamless, you won’t feel a thing. Gainesville electricity is all delivered by the same Distribution Company no matter who your provider is.

Texas Electricity Deregulation allows you to change providers in the last 14 days of your current contract without any penalties or Early Termination Fees “ETFs”.

If you have a long-term power contract, check how many months remain before it expires. Most companies let you set a start date for your new plan up to 60 days in advance.



Gainesville, Texas Retail Electric Providers

Looking for the best retail electric service providers “REP” in Gainesville?

You can sign up for service with any number of great electricity companies like Pulse Power, Constellation, 4Change Energy, TXU Energy, TriEagle Energy and more.

Click on the company to view their rates, learn more about their service, or sign up.

CITYNAME Retail Electric Providers Phone Numbers
4Change Energy  
Pulse Power 844-302-8076
Constellation 855-549-2149
New Power Texas 866-654-5071
TXU Energy 833-530-1899
Payless Power 877-296-6922
TriEagle Energy 833-943-0875
Rhythm 888-691-1508



No-Deposit / Prepaid Electricity Plans

Some of us don’t want to pay deposits, Electricity Match comparison engine can help with that too!

If you already know you want to a prepaid plan, you can filter our plans to show Prepaid only.

Deposits for Electric Providers is based on your credit score or lack of credit plus your history of paying your Texas Electric bill. Fair Credit scores usually never have to pay a deposit. If this is your first apartment ever, you might expect to pay a deposit or else go with a PrePaid Electricity Plan.

PrePaid Electric

Often the prepaid plans are marked up a little bit higher per kWh but most of the time we have some fair priced no-deposit plans available. Check our comparison plan for Gainesville No-Deposit Electricity Plans.

Deposit Waiver – Texas Public Utility Commission §25.478 Credit Requirements and Deposits

A residential customer or applicant may be deemed as having established satisfactory credit if:

  1. The customer has been a customer of any REP or an electric utility within the two years prior to the request for electric service; is not delinquent in payment of any such electric service account, and during the last 12 consecutive months of service was not late in paying a bill more than once.
  2. The customer or applicant possesses a satisfactory credit rating obtained through a consumer reporting agency, as defined by the Federal Trade Commission.
  3. The customer or applicant is 65 years of age or older, and the customer is not currently delinquent in payment of any electric service account.
  4. The customer or applicant has been determined to be a victim of family violence.
  5. The customer is medically indigent.

If you satisfy PUC §25.478 requirements above and are charged a deposit you can send the waiver directly to the provider. Once your new REP receives the waiver they will confirm or deny your waiver or request documentation.


Gainesville Business Electricity Plans

Business Electricity works similar to Residential Electricity. For SMB (Small and Medium Business) you can use our commercial comparison engine to compare plans the same as Residential Plans.

Gainesville’s top employers include North Central Texas College, the Cooke County government, and Gainesville Independent School District.

As a Business Owner, you know your overhead costs can destroy your bottom line. Choosing the best Electricity Plan for your Small Business is one of many ways to increase your profit. Market conditions change every day, often driving energy prices lower and lower. All business owners should compare power prices frequently to make sure they are getting the best plan for their company.

Electricity Match Can Help Small Businesses

Electricity Match can help you by providing an easy and fast process to choose your energy plan and signup. We have built a unique SMB Comparison Engine that will save you hours of shopping and trying to compare. If you still have questions we are here to help, just give us a call on our Business Electricity Line 1-833-226-8993.

Many Electric providers won’t sell direct to businesses without a broker. With Electricity Match, you have more options, we can sign you up directly from our website, we can assist on the phone and we can even setup a closed bidding for your business to get the very best rate!

Click here to get competing quotes for your business electricity.


Gainesville Utilities

Moving into Gainesville doesn’t have to be difficult. Below are most of the utility contracts you need to get everything turned on.


Zip Codes for Gainesville Metroplex


AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic 36

36 Month Fixed Rate
Guaranteed rate for 3 year
Straight-Forward bills

453 Times Jun 12th, 2024
Fixed Rate
15.1¢ per kWh
AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic Green 36

36 Month Fixed Green Rate
Guaranteed Green rate for 3 years
Straight-Forward bills

149 Times Jun 18th, 2024
Fixed Rate
15.4¢ per kWh
AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic 24

24 Month Fixed Rate
Guaranteed rate for 2 years
Straight-Forward bills

211 Times Jun 16th, 2024
Fixed Rate
15.5¢ per kWh
AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic Green 24

24 Month Fixed Green Rate
Guaranteed Green rate for 2 years
Straight-Forward bills

99 Times Jun 18th, 2024
Fixed Rate
15.7¢ per kWh
AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic 12

12 Month Fixed Rate
Guaranteed rate for 1 year
Straight-Forward bills

177 Times Jun 9th, 2024
Fixed Rate
16.2¢ per kWh
4Change Energy Logo
Maxx Saver Select 24

$100 bill credit after 1000 kWh
30 Day Satisfaction Gurantee
Lock in your electricity price for 24 months while helping your community. $0 base charge, no hidden fees.

293 Times Jul 23rd, 2024
Fixed Rate
16.2¢ per kWh
4Change Energy Logo
Maxx Saver Select 12

Get a whole year of price certainty and help out your community! 30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
$90 Bill Credit after 1000 kWh

751 Times Jul 23rd, 2024
Fixed Rate
16.2¢ per kWh
AP Gas & Electric Logo
True Classic Green 12

12 Month Fixed Green Rate
Guaranteed Green rate for 1 year
Straight-Forward bills

84 Times Jun 5th, 2024
Fixed Rate
16.9¢ per kWh
4Change Energy Logo
One Rate 12

Confusing electricity plans are a thing of the past with One Rate 12. No gimmicks. One base charge at $4.95 per month.

163 Times Jul 2nd, 2024
Fixed Rate
18.3¢ per kWh



How to switch electricity providers in Gainesville Texas

It’s as easy as signing up for a new plan with a different provider. Your new provider will handle the cancelation of your old plan. You can switch to a new plan with 14 days left on your current contract without incurring any Early Termination Fees.
Start by selecting a new plan here.

Can I switch electric providers in the middle of my contract?

Yes you can. There will generally be an ETF (Early Termination Fee) ranging from $100 to $250, but if you are in the last 14 days of your current contract you can change now.
Start by selecting a new plan here.

How do I turn on my electricity in Gainesville Texas?

It’s easy in Deregulated Texas, shop for an Electricity Plan, sign up, choose the start date. Texans have the Power to Choose their electric provider, competition drives the price down.
Start by selecting a new plan here.

How fast can I switch my electricity provider in Gainesville Texas?

Sometimes you can get it switched same day! More often it takes 2 days, not including weekends and holidays.

Does Gainesville Texas have No-Deposit Electricity Plans?

Yes, Gainesville does have No-Deposit Plans which are generally referred to as Prepaid plans.
Start by selecting a new plan here.

Customer Reviews