Trusmart Energy
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TruSmart customers on its prepaid electricity plans and weekly/biweekly electricity plans had their service switched to a company called Now Power. TruSmart customers on postpaid electricity plans were switched to Verde Energy. By transitioning its customers in this manner, their customers were able to continue to receive the benefits of their existing terms and rates. The customers simply started receiving their bill from a different company and had a new number to call for customer service.
These actions reflected well upon the integrity of the TruSmart Energy leadership team. If TruSmart had failed to sell its portfolio, its customers would have been transitioned to the Provider of Last Resort (POLR) at different, probably higher, rates.
Under Texas market rules, retail customers are not at risk for having their service interrupted if their provider goes out of business. However, they are at risk for changing rates if their service is switched the POLR. Customers being served by the POLR are put in the unexpected position of shopping for a new electricity provider before they were supposed to do so.
All providers listing offers on ElectricityMatch are carefully scrutinized to make sure they have the financial strength to deliver what they sell. When you shop for electricity rates on ElectricityMatch, you can shop with confidence. If you are interested in prepaid electricity service, check out Frontier Utilities. Frontier is financially sound and has excellent customer service.