Nrg Home
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NRG Home is a retail energy supplier serving residential customers in select markets in the northeast United States. It currently markets its services to customers in the District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.
NRG Home is part of energy giant NRG Energy, a Fortune 200 company. NRG Energy operates under several brands in multiple deregulated energy markets across the United States. Reliant, the largest commercial and industrial retail electricity provider in Texas, is also part of this family of companies. While NRG Electricity has the advantages that come from being part of a large investor-owned company, it has done an excellent job of being innovative and maintaining personalized service.
NRG Home provides residential customers a variety of electric plans. Fixed price plans are a good choice for those consumers seeking price certainty for the duration of their contract term. This is often a better option than having your electricity rate fluctuate with the market. NRG offers fixed price power plans for different terms to suit the needs of its customers. They also have a number of specialized plans providing customers with additional choices and features. These include 100% renewable energy plans, plans that include a Nest Learning thermostat, and cash-back plans.
Typical with most electricity providers in northeast and Midwest markets, billing and payment are handled by the utility. This reduces the likelihood that you will need to contact NRG directly. However, NRG Home, like all NRG Energy retail brands, is easy to contact and responsive to customer inquiries if the need arises. Customers can contact via mail, email, or phone. The call center is available to customers Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 8 pm Eastern Time. It is also open on Saturdays from 9 am to 1 pm Eastern Time.