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What is the Public Utility Commission of Texas?

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Electricity Match

Published Nov 21, 2022

What is the Public Utility Commission?  In Texas, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) regulates the Texas electricity industry. This includes anything from setting rates to ensuring fair competition among providers. If you have any questions about your Texas electricity plan, the PUCT is a good place to start. In this blog post, we will discuss what the PUCT is and what they do for Texas residents!

What Is The PUCT?

The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) is a state agency that regulates the state’s electric and telecommunication utilities, implements corresponding statutes, and offers customer protection. The PUCT’s goal is to ensure that Texans have access to safe and reliable utility services at reasonable rates. The Commission is composed of five Commissioners appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Each Commissioner serves a six-year term. The Chairman and Commissioners are responsible for hiring the Executive Director, who manages the Commission’s day-to-day operations.

The PUCT oversees more than 52,700 miles of transmission and distribution lines that deliver electricity to more than 26 million Texans. The agency also regulates the state’s telecommunications industry, which includes more than 4 million phone customers in more than 2,000 communities. In addition, the PUCT administers programs that help low-income customers pay their utility bills and that provide cooling assistance during periods of extreme heat. The agency also promotes energy efficiency and conservation initiatives.

What Does the PUCT Do?

The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) is responsible for regulating both the rates and terms of service that utility companies charge their customers. The PUCT ensures competitive pricing and fair access to services while protecting consumers from unreasonable rate increases or poor service quality.

The PUCT also oversees the state’s competitive electric and telecommunications markets. This includes encouraging competition among providers, monitoring compliance with laws and regulations, and protecting consumers from market manipulation. Furthermore, the PUCT works to promote renewable energy in Texas by setting standards for utilities that purchase power from renewable sources. In addition, the agency administers programs to help low-income customers pay their utility bills and that provide cooling assistance during periods of extreme heat.

The PUCT also investigates consumer complaints against utility companies and holds public hearings on issues related to the electric and telecommunications industries. The agency enforces its regulations through fines, civil penalties, or orders issued by the Commission.

How Does the PUCT Affect Me?

The Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) affects all Texans that receive electricity, natural gas, or telecommunications service in the state. The PUCT sets rates and terms of service for these utilities and enforces consumer protection laws to ensure that their utility providers treat customers fairly.

The agency also administers programs that help low-income customers pay their utility bills and provides cooling assistance during periods of extreme heat. In addition, the PUCT works to promote renewable energy in Texas and oversees the state’s competitive electric and telecommunications markets.


The PUCT is the Public Utility Commission of Texas. The mission of the PUCT is to protect customers, foster competition, and promote high-quality infrastructure. The PUCT has five members who are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate. Commissioners serve six-year terms and may not serve more than two consecutive terms. We hope this article has helped you understand what the PUCT does and how it affects Texans. If you have any questions or complaints about your utility services, feel free to contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) for assistance. The PUCT website offers detailed information about the agency and its services.

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