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10 Ways to Lower Your Texas Electricity Bill This Winter

Written by:

Electricity Match

Published Dec 08, 2022

It’s that time of year again - the temperature is dropping, and energy bills are rising. Winter is difficult for many Texans, as they struggle to keep their homes warm while keeping their electricity bills low. In this blog post, we will share 10 ways that you can reduce your Texas electricity bill this winter. Some of these tips are simple and easy to follow, while others require more effort. But all of them will help you save money on your energy costs. So read on and start saving today!

Top 10 Ways to Lower Your Texas Electricity Bill This Winter

1) Close Your Fireplace When Not In Use:

Most Texans love their fireplaces. They’re cozy and charming and can really help lower your energy bill in the winter. But did you know that if you don’t close your fireplace when you’re not using it, you could actually be losing money? That’s because heat from your fireplace escapes up the chimney, taking your hard-earned cash with it. So make sure to close your fireplace damper when the fire does not snuggle you up.

2) Get a Smart Thermostat:

A smart thermostat can be a great way to save money on your electricity bill. By allowing you to program your heating and cooling schedule around your daily routine, a smart thermostat can help you avoid wasting energy when you’re not home. Additionally, many smart thermostats have features like occupancy sensors and geofencing that can further reduce energy consumption. So if you’re looking for a way to lower your electricity bill this winter, consider investing in a smart thermostat.

3) Educate Your Family About conserving Energy:

Educating your family about conserving energy is one of the best ways to lower your electricity bill. Show them how turning off lights when they leave a room can save money and help the environment. Explain how turning down the heat at night can save money on your heating bill. And let them know that wearing warmer clothes in the winter can also help reduce energy consumption. By teaching your family about conserving energy, you’ll lower your electricity bill and help create a more sustainable future for all of us.

4) Seal Your Home:

Sealing your home against drafts is one of the most effective ways to reduce energy consumption. Start by checking for gaps around doors and windows. Then, add weatherstripping or caulking to seal any drafts. You can also seal larger openings with plastic sheeting or insulation panels. Once you’ve sealed up all the drafts in your home, you’ll be surprised at how much warmer it feels – and how much lower your electricity bill is!

5) Invest in Renewable Energy:

Investing in renewable energy is one of the best ways to lower your electricity bill – and help the environment simultaneously! You can install solar panels on your roof to generate clean, renewable energy for your home. Or, if you live in an apartment or condo, you can invest in a solar community project. There are also a number of other renewable energy options available, so talk to your electricity provider about what’s available in your area. By investing in renewable energy, you’ll not only lower your electricity bill, but you’ll also be doing your part to create a more sustainable future.

6) Change Your Ceiling Fan Direction:

Ceiling fans are a great way to keep cool in the summer and warm in the winter. In the summer, ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to create a cooling breeze. But in the winter, ceiling fans should rotate clockwise. This rotating motion pushes warm air from the ceiling into the room where you need it most. So, if you want to lower your electricity bill this winter, take a few minutes to change the direction of your ceiling fan blades.

7) Use Layers of Clothing:

One of the easiest ways to lower your electric bill is to wear more layers of clothing. Heating bills can be expensive, so wear a sweater or a pair of socks instead of turning up the heat. By simply wearing more layers of clothing, you can simultaneously stay warm and save money on your electric bill. These are just a few of the ways that you can lower your Texas electricity bill this winter. So next time those temperatures drop, don’t reach for the thermostat – reach for a sweater instead!

8) Don’t Heat Empty Rooms:

Another way to save on your electric bill is to heat the rooms you are using. There’s no need to heat an empty room, so close the doors to any rooms that aren’t used. This will help keep the heat where you need it and save you money on your electric bill.

9) Seal Your Home:

One of the biggest causes of high energy bills is heat loss through gaps and cracks in your home’s envelope. To do this, could you take some time to seal up any gaps around doors and windows with caulk or weatherstripping? You can also add insulation to areas like attics and crawl spaces to improve your home’s energy efficiency further.

10) Educate Your Family About conserving Energy:

Educating your family about conserving energy is one of the best ways to lower your electricity bill. Show them how turning off lights when they leave a room can save money and help the environment. Explain how turning down the heat at night can save money on your heating bill. And let them know that wearing warmer clothes in the winter can also help reduce energy consumption. By teaching your family about conserving energy, you’ll lower your electricity bill and help create a more sustainable future for all of us.


It’s that time of year again! The temperatures are dropping, the holidays are upon us, and our Texas Electricity bills seem to be constantly rising. But have no fear; we’re here to help you lower your bill without sacrificing comfort this winter. Check out our top 10 tips below and see how much you can save:

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