commercial electricity rates

Commercial Electricity Plans – Risky Business

Commercial electricity plans can be riskly business is you don’t understand the market.  Like residential electricity plans, commercial plans can differ significantly in how they are packaged and presented to prospective customers. Commercial electricity offers typically focus on price, customer service, and access to data and reporting. Residential electricity offers appeal to a broader spectrum […]

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Commercial Electricity Brokers: 5 Questions

Commercial Electricity Brokers: 5 Questions.  As electric customer choice markets continue to evolve, brokers are playing an ever-increasing role in commercial energy procurement. This is especially true for small and medium-sized commercial customers where electricity providers have found brokers to be an efficient and effective customer acquisition channel. In markets like Texas, a small business […]

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best electric rates for businesses

Texas Commercial Electric Rates – Demand & cost per commercial kilowatt hour in Texas

The role of electric demand is important in understanding Texas commercial electricity bills.  Electric demand is the rate at which electricity is used.  It is measured in kilowatts (kW) or kilovolt amperes (kVA).  A common analogy is that electric demand (kW or kVA) is like a speedometer while electric energy (kWh) is comparable to an […]

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